헤드헌터 채용
The Global Human Resources
Strategy and Service Provider
Your Best Partner for Top Talent. The Pace Maker in the Executive Search Service.

전체 채용정보

고객사에 기밀을 요하는 포지션은 본 란에 게재되지 않습니다.

  • 프로젝트명
    Marketing Manager
  • 회사개요
    외국계 디지털 전자제품 제조/판매 기업
  • 직급
    중간관리자급(과장), 실무자급(대리이하)
  • 경력
    3년 이상
  • 외국어
  • 키워드
  • 내용
    * As the Marketing Planer, the following responsibilities will be assigned.
    - Planning and implementing marketing strategies aimed at maximising sales and profits 
    - Performing a wide range of data analysis tasks in EC business marketing (including monitoring various KPIs for campaign measures and advertising operations) 
    - Creating, distributing and improving performance of online advertising (including negotiating with external companies) 
    - Monitoring KPIs and evaluating performance, and proposing areas for improvement

    [Qualification Requirements] - Required 
    - At least 3 years of related experience 
    - Experience leading promotional measures that utilise marketing data from operating companies and agencies, etc. 
    - Ability to think through and implement strategies/tactics and frameworks 
    - Communication skills to work well with multinational teams 
    - Business-level English proficiency (speaking ability for communication within the workplace) 
    - Native-level Korean language skills (equivalent to TOPIK level 6 if Korean is not your native language)

    [Preferential Requirements] 
    - Experience in e-commerce or digital industry 
    - Experience in a venture or start-up company 
    - Experience in consulting firms 
    - Experience related to BtoC business or BtoBtoC business 
    - Experience in launching a new product or service with a small number of people or alone


    제출 기한
    - ASAP

    제출 서류 및 기타
    - 국/영문 이력서 및 자기소개서

    담당 컨설턴트
    - 원예현 / 02-2016-6693 / yhwon@vpeople.co.kr