헤드헌터 채용
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전체 채용정보

고객사에 기밀을 요하는 포지션은 본 란에 게재되지 않습니다.

  • 프로젝트명
    General Merchandising Manager
  • 회사개요
    외국계 하이엔드 명품 패션 기업
  • 직급
  • 경력
    15년 이상
  • 외국어
  • 키워드
  • 내용
    직무 개요
    • - Responsible for merchandising category mix and assortment planning in accordance with respective merchandising strategies directed by top Management
    • - Plan and execute buying activities of designated product categories 
    • - Monitor inventory, delivery and reordering situations to ensure appropriate levels of stock of designated product categories are maintained, and responsible for merchandise allocations to DOS/Outlet and co-ordination with stores and warehouse for stock operations
    • - Monitor sales and sell-through situation and execute appropriate strategies and tactics to liquidate stocks and boost sales, and take care of all mark-down/mark-up and merchandise related issues for seasonal sale periods in accordance with HQ guideline
    • - Provide product training and fashion trend information to the front-line staff
    • - Regularly report to APAC CEO and Worldwide Retail Merchandising Director in head office for overall sales performance, merchandise mix, inventory situations and important issues, etc.
    • - Sales, OTB & Inventory planning: Top line sales-sales by month by store, sales by month by category sales plan in detailed-sales by store by month by category (unit & value), Daily sales plan-monthly basis, open to buy-buy collection, by CO/Newness, inventory flow review and give an input to finance.
    • - Buy/Order/Reorder: Attend Milan buying campaign (4 times per year), place an order with buyer, review and supervise order by setup merchandising strategy, shipment, sell through, on hand, reorder, transfer,
    • - Markdowns: markdown projection, work with Retail team, strategy for markdown, schedule, make the action plan for the markdown % and location including stock movement  
    • - Sales Push: Communication with store for sales push, work with Retail Director to cooperate with the incentive program for sales target, push money etc.

    경력 요건
    • - Minimum 15 years of experience in fashion merchandising/buying role with international fashion/luxury brand companies
    • - Strong leadership and communicator with a proven track record in leading, coaching, developing and succession planning of large buying teams 
    • - Good command of written and spoken English
    • - Extensive traveling will be required

    -  협의

    제출 기한
    - ASAP

    제출 서류 및 기타
    - 국/영문 이력서 및 자기소개서

    담당 컨설턴트
    - 박미경 / / jessie.park@vpeople.co.kr