헤드헌터 채용
The Global Human Resources
Strategy and Service Provider
Your Best Partner for Top Talent. The Pace Maker in the Executive Search Service.

전체 채용정보

고객사에 기밀을 요하는 포지션은 본 란에 게재되지 않습니다.

  • 프로젝트명
    Investment VP
  • 회사개요
    외국계 금융,기업 투자조합
  • 직급
    팀장급(차~부장), 중간관리자급(과장)
  • 경력
    5년 이상 ~ 10년 이하
  • 외국어
    영어 2
  • 키워드
  • 내용
    직무 개요
    Investment Process Participation: Engage in all aspects of the investment process, including networking, sourcing, and identifying high-quality funds.  This involves conducting due diligence and monitoring portfolio performance.
    • - Business Network Expansion: Actively contributes to expanding and maintaining a robust business network to identify new investment opportunities.
    • - Research and Analysis: Conduct in-depth research at various levels (macro, sector, fund, and underlying asset) to inform investment decisions. This  requires rigorous analytical skills to evaluate market trends and potential investments.
    • - Investment Evaluation: Assist in evaluating potential investment opportunities by developing investment theses and making recommendations based  on thorough analysis.
    • - Deal Execution Support: Support the execution of deals by preparing investment memoranda and coordinating with legal and financial advisors to  ensure smooth transactions.
    • - Performance Monitoring: Continuously monitor and track the performance of existing funds and underlying assets to assess their alignment with  overall investment strategies.
    • - Ad Hoc Projects: Undertake additional projects or tasks as needed to support the firm’s investment management activities.
    • - Administrative Support: Provide research and administrative assistance to the firm's investment managers, ensuring efficient operations.

    경력 요건
    Educational Background: A bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, or a related business discipline is required.Advanced degrees or certifications  (e.g., MBA, CFA) may be preferred.
    • - Personal Attributes: Candidates should be self-starters with a strong interest in investing and global trends. A sense of responsibility, enthusiasm for learning, and curiosity are crucial.
    • - Work Skills: Ability to work effectively under tight deadlines while managing multiple tasks is essential. Strong attention to detail and independence  in work are also important.
    • - Communication Skills: Excellent written and oral communication skills are necessary for effective collaboration within teams and with external  partners.
    • - Language Proficiency: Fluency in English and Korean is required, reflecting the need for effective communication in diverse environments.

    - Negotiable

    제출 기한
    - ASAP

    제출 서류 및 기타
    - 영문 이력서  

    담당 컨설턴트
    - 김용진 / 02-2016-6687 / yjkim@vpeople.co.kr