헤드헌터 채용
The Global Human Resources
Strategy and Service Provider
Your Best Partner for Top Talent. The Pace Maker in the Executive Search Service.

전체 채용정보

고객사에 기밀을 요하는 포지션은 본 란에 게재되지 않습니다.

  • 프로젝트명
    Distribution Sales Manager
  • 회사개요
    외국계 통신장비 전문기업
  • 직급
  • 경력
    3년 이상 ~ 15년 이하
  • 외국어
  • 키워드
  • 내용
    직무 개요
    Develops distribution partners and builds a distribution partner system in the region. Be responsible for the distribution performance and overall distribution revenue of distribution partners.
    Gain insights into the regional distribution market, analyze competition, plan the distribution partner layout for different industries in the region, and certify the development of distribution gold medals and distribution elites.
    - Improve the product control and marketing capabilities of distributors, support their marketing and promotion, and help them sell out.
    - Manage the inventory level and price order of distribution partners, and build a healthy and sustainable distribution partner ecosystem.

    경력 요건
    Bachelor degree or above, at least 3 years’ experience in ICT industry or customer business industry.
    Good command of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in both Chinese and Korean(or English & Korean, good communication skills, logical analysis skills, and strong problem-promotion skills.
    - Be able to adapt to high-strength working environment and have certain compression resistance.

    - 협의

    제출 기한
    - ASAP

    제출 서류 및 기타
    - 영문/국문 이력서 및 자기소개서

    담당 컨설턴트
    - 김지은 / jekim@vpeople.co.kr